Update 15: Fixed up some sprites, added some more and added color coding. Update 16: More tweaks, fixes and a few additions. Update 18: Improved "Hang Move" Animation. Give credit to me for the sprites I made and everyone else mentioned. Sprites of the Concept Art of Sonic's Breakdancing victory From Sonic 1 ( Got a few done) Scrapped Sonic 1 Special Stage entrance as the Victory Ray Styled Victory (It looks bad, but I'm the first to do this) CS Generations/ Tails Super Sonic Corkscrew ( Nobody else even thought of this, I Screwed Up Badly On the Shoes but looks good and improving them) Mighty's Sprites ( Mine's different from than the people made) This is the best sheet currently with everyone working together. Added 1 extra frame for the I'm Out Of Here Proto.