The team at Netherrealm have, once again, delivered a ridiculous storyline with soaring production value that does its absolute best to please fans of the series and its convoluted lore.

I’ll be blunt here – the story in Mortal Kombat 11, like previous games before it, is a schlocky mess of contrivances but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. Naturally, you follow the good guys as they try to defend their realms from invaders previously thought to be defeated as well as form new alliances to beat Kronika herself. Following specific events in the story, Kronika decides she isn’t happy with how events have played out and manipulates time to try and mould the universe into her perfect image.

The story this time centers around a mysterious being who calls herself Kronika, whose power eclipses even that of the strongest Elder Gods. Mortal Kombat 11 follows the story of the previous games, though finds yet another way to bring back characters from the past who have died or haven’t been seen for a while. Now, with Mortal Kombat 11, Netherrealm Studios have reinvented Mortal Kombat once more, though despite being better than Mortal Kombat X from a gameplay perspective, it is bound to divide fans.

The ninth game successfully reinvented the franchise once more, by going back to its roots while Mortal Kombat X continued to build upon that further. From the stilted jump to 3D in Mortal Kombat 4, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon to the downright dreadful DC crossover, Mortal Kombat is truly a survivor. The franchise has had a fair share of ups and downs, struggling to evolve with the times with every jump to new technology. To learn more about Mortal Kombat 11, the latest installment in the iconic Mortal Kombat franchise developed by NetherRealm Studios, visit or join the community conversation on Twitter ( YouTube ( Mortal Kombat), Twitch ( NetherRealm), Instagram ( Facebook ( MortalKombat) and Discord ( MortalKombat).Not many franchises get as many chances as Mortal Kombat has.